Price: CAD $10.00

People Are Asking...Is This The End?
Hardback Book
People Are Asking...Is This The End?

Price: CAD $10.00
The world seems more fractured each day. People are asking, "Is this the End?"
Never have the headlines been this jarring, the cultural changes this rapid, or the moral decay this pronounced. What on earth is happening? After each new occurrence, the most oft-heard questions are, "Will the world ever be the same again?" and "Where is God in all of this?"
No one can afford to ignore these warnings, but all can better understand the greater story and the role we each play in this changing world. From prophetic clues in Scripture to an understanding of the power of Christ in all believers, this study guide offers a clear path forward. The ten lessons in this study guide are divided into two sections, the first asking if this is the end of America, and the second asking if this is the end of the world.